Board Certified Coaching Program

If you are a licensed counselor and would like to get your Board Certified Coach credential, you will need a 30-hour program approved by the Center for Credentialing and Education. Academy of Choice may be just the program you are looking for!

Book Review: Contemporary Issues in Couples Counseling

I was recently honored to be asked to contribute a chapter to a book entitled, Contemporary Issues in Couples Counseling: A Choice Theory and Reality Therapy Approach. This book was written to legitimize Reality Therapy as a method of counseling for systemic issues. It’s not just for individuals.

School Question & Answer

Q: From a school principal using the principles of InsideOut Empowerment:

Here is the dilemma: A second-grade teacher and I have been attempting to help a second grader improve his behavior in school. He does fairly well in the classroom with the teacher nearby, but when he’s in more unstructured situations (cafeteria, bus, playground, etc.) he makes terrible choices over and over. (He is always watching to see if he can “get away with something.”)

California Institution for Women

I just got done teaching/observing a three-day Choice Theory training with 15 inmates and one community member at the California Institute for Women. This was an incredible experience on many levels.

What is Depression?

As the Executive Director of the William Glasser Institute-US, I just want to clarify Glasser’s position on depression. Those who believe Choice Theory believe that all behavior is our best attempt to get something we want. We are not always consciously aware of what we are trying to get by using certain behavior. Depressing is a behavior that while incredibly painful and debilitating, also can have benefits.

Headaches and Depression: Are they linked?

A new study came out documenting a correlation between headaches and depression. The logical question now is do headaches cause depression or does depression cause headaches? As long as we ask that cause and effect question, we will miss the third causative agent of both–unhappy relationships.

Take Charge of Your Life Book Review

Dr. William Glasser’s latest book, Take Charge of Your Life, is a great book for people who want to take responsibility for their own happiness instead of waiting for others to change so they can be happy.

How Do You Handle Adversity?

Everyone has days when nothing goes well. What is your tendency when you are having a bad day? Do you look for others willing to hear your story? Do you choose to trust that nothing is inherently good or bad, and that whatever happens, you know you can triumph?

Negotiating Quality Time Together and Apart

One of the harder things for couples to negotiate is how much quality time to spend with each and how much time to spend apart. This is especially true when one partner’s highest need is for love & belonging and the other person’s highest need is for freedom.

4 1/2 Ways to Change a Habit

There are 4 1/2 ways to change a habit. Learn what they are and apply one or more to the changes you are trying to make in 2012.