Kindness, It Costs Nothing

Each year, November 13 is World Kindness Day—a call to celebrate kindness and compassion in all its forms. There are so many quotes about the importance of being kind. Mark […]

Who is Mental Freedom For?


When I recently spoke about Mental Freedom, the person I was talking with assumed that it is for people with mental health concerns. While I know people with mental health […]

Choose Love Instead of Fear


Beyond my birthday, October has many observances that I believe in and support involving diversity, anti-bullying, anti-violence, crime prevention, LGBTQ, dropout prevention and mental health. With that in mind, I […]

13 Reasons Why Not

mental health

Perhaps you watched the popular Netflix series, 13 Reasons Why, in the early seasons, and believe that if you suicide, you’ll be around later to watch the way your death […]

13 Options other than suicide


When you are in pain, it is impossible to think of anything else and it feels like there will never be any relief. This is not true. Pain does not […]

Simplify Your Life

This year, Aug. 13-17, is National Simply Your Life week. According to the website,, “National Simplify Your Life Week” is observed yearly during the first week of August. Though […]

Social Wellness Month

July was declared Social Wellness Month designed by mental health professionals to underscore the importance of strengthening relationships and to empower people to prioritize their own mental health. There is […]

Becoming Flawsome

Becoming Flawsome is an Amazon bestseller already and was written by Kristina Mänd-Lakhiani. I first became aware of it through Marci Shimoff and I loved the concept. It reminded me […]

Choice Coaching

Choice Coaching is a method of coaching based on Dr. William Glasser’s Reality Therapy® and Choice Theory® psychology. It is built on the fundamental idea that people are able to […]